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Managing The Leash Walk: Pro-Active Techniques for Dogs with Big Feelings on Leash

The Modules

1. The Reactive Dog Path: A Zoomed Out Overview

Looking at what the process of working through reactivity most often looks like with tips and tricks for each phase.

2. Managing The Leash Walk: A 1-Hour On-Demand Webinar 

Management is all about holding your dogs hand (or paw) through the stage where he may not be ready to make healthy choices. He'll need you for guidance, support, and predictability during this stage. We'll cover the tricks and tools to get you through situations that your dog isn't yet ready to tackle on his own

3. Pro-Active Management Skills

While there are many skills that can be incredibly helpful, this is where we'll break down how to teach the 3 Skills discussed during the webinar. The Emergency U-Turn, Hand Targeting, and The Treat Magnet. You can use these skills to help your dog get through triggering times you weren't expecting.

4. Continuing Your Path

There is no recipe in training and behavior change and because of that, it's important to know where your support system is and how to find experts who can help. In this module, I'll provide information on services offered through Miss Behavior, as well as how to find support elsewhere if needed.


Email Laura@MissBehaviorTraining.com

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Managing the Leash Walk: Webinar on Demand

Pro-Active Management Skills

Important Skills to Build at home, so you can help your dog through the hard stuff

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